How to Be a Faithful Steward of Your Talents
“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” ( Matthew 25:21 and 25:23, ESV)
As we enter into a new year, I want to give perspective to our days by looking not to the end of the year but to the end of our lives.
We give perspective to our days by looking to the end of our lives.
We all long to hear Jesus say to each of us, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” from Matthew 25. Though I relate more to the next sentence, not the faithfulness part but the little. But both the servant who was given two talents and the one who was given five talents received the same words.
We can’t control how much talent we’ve been given. But we can choose how we steward that talent. And we can each be a faithful steward of our talents by taking steps of faith.
Follow God’s lead. Every morning we face a choice of where to place our focus. Allow God to set your pace and submit to His lead.
Act on the assignments we’ve been given. As the saying goes, old orders are standing orders. Continue to act on the assignment you’ve been given.
Invite others into your journey. We are better together. Find a partner with whom you can both give and receive encouragement. Seek out iron-sharpening-iron friends.
Trust in God’s timing. In the waiting we can feel overlooked, as if our efforts are in vain. Know that God is in control and hasn’t forgotten you.
Help others in their journeys. Extend your hand to someone in need. Cheer on friends in their successes.
As we take steps of faith by following God’s lead, acting on our given assignments, inviting others into our journeys, trusting in God’s timing, and helping others in their journeys, we will be faithful stewards of the talents God has given us.
Reminder for the heart: We give perspective to our days by looking to the end of our lives.
Related resources to encourage your heart: For the Glory of God and The Faithful Witness in the Sky.
What’s on your heart? Which step of faith do you struggle with? Which one are you strong in?
Sweet blessings,
Originally published at on January 10, 2019.