Why Do You Do What You Do?

Crystal Storms
2 min readJan 8, 2020

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

What is your why? Why you do what you do?

I’ve been pondering my own personal why for years now. People wiser than me said knowing my why would help me persevere when things got tough. They said it would give my life purpose and help me determine my best yes.

The process seemed simple enough. To discover your why, ask why. After five times of asking and answering and going deeper with the why question, you’ll discover what drives you to wake up in the morning. What keeps you going when other give up. Your why will inspire others.

I struggled to narrow down my why for years because I was looking at my why from the world’s point of view.

whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

In a moment of clarity the answer became clear. I sat down to make out my goals for 2020, categorizing the different areas of my life. In the center was Jesus (my one thing-a previous question I had struggled to answer). Then below His Name, I wrote single-hearted and … glorify Him.

My why is to glorify Jesus.

Let all we do bring glory to His Name.

It seemed so simple when I wrote it out. But could it really be that easy?

Then a few days later a request came in. I asked the person clarifying questions so I knew what I would be saying yes to. Then I told them I would need to think and pray about it.

My prayer: Would saying yes glorify You in this area of my life? Would saying yes keep me from glorifying You in another area of my life?

I struggle with people pleasing, making requests hard to say no to. But remembering that my why is at stake gave me clarity. It’s not my time I’m protecting. It’s my ability to glorify Him that’s at stake.

Let all we do bring glory to His Name.

Reminder for the heart: Let all we do bring glory to His Name.

Related resources to encourage your heart: How to Live Your Best Life and Are You Living Out Your Purpose?

What’s on your heart? What helps you determine what to say yes to and what to say no to? What is your personal why?

Sweet blessings,


Originally published at https://www.crystalstorms.me on January 8, 2020.



Crystal Storms

Words and art to help you rest close to His heart as God’s beloved.💗 Jesus girl, writer, watercolor artist, speaker, wife, dog mom. Connect at CrystalStorms.me